Even though I'm known as a women's fiction/chick lit author, I tend to read books outside that genre. So it seemed reasonable that I would feature such an author(s) as well. This is probably about as far from my genre as I've ever strayed, but that's what makes it so interesting! Here's one more guest post using the blog hop questions, by author Michael Tinker Pearce and his wife, Linda Pearce.
Michael Tinker Pearce and Linda Pearce are a husband-and-wife writing team from Seattle, WA. Michael is a knife and sword maker and Linda was an IT professional and project manager for over twenty years. You can read more about them here. This is their first full-length novel. Q: What is the title of your book? A: 'Diaries of a Dwarven Rifleman' Q: What genre does your book fall under? A: In some ways we've bent the fantasy genre pretty hard here, though in other ways it's classic heroic fantasy, so I think that if I had to classify it that would do. Q: Which actors would you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition? We actually never considered a movie-version of this book and none of the characters were written with the idea that an actor would play them. I really don't want to answer this because I want readers picturing the characters themselves, not imagining how a specific actor or actress might portray them. Q: What is a one-sentence synopsis of your book? A: Louis L'Amour meets JRR Tolkien Q: How long did it take you to write the first draft of your manuscript? A: I spent a year building the world in my head, but once we actually started writing it took roughly three months. Since it was being edited and proof-read as it went along the final draft was actually ready the week after the first draft was finished. Q: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? A: This might be a failure to read enough on my part, but I cannot think of any. This is a medieval-ish fantasy novel written by the rules for 'hard-science' science fiction. Everything in the book is scientifically plausible except the 'magic,' but even that follows 'science-like' rules. To complicate things even further the main character is very much a Louis L'Amour hero; Determined, honest, deeply competent and not overly introspective, but not perfect or invulnerable. Q: Who or what inspired you to write this book? A: Somewhere in the lore of 'Warcraft' there was a mention of 'regiments of Dwarven Riflemen.' That stuck in my head and one day the title 'Diary of a Dwarven Rifleman' popped into my brain. Everything else proceeded from questions that this brought up, like 'Why are the dwarves the only people with guns? Where do they live? How do they survive? Where did they come from?' Q: What else about your book might pique a reader’s interest? A: It's a different take on Dwarves, goblins and humans. The book has strong, likable characters, a bit of romance, lots of action. The hero, rather than personally saving the day, contributes to the book's resolution just by being who he is. The book also tackles some interesting and atypical problems and issues for a fantasy novel. Q: When and how will it be published? A: We actually published on February 26th, 2013 as a Kindle eBook and a Print-on-Demand Trade Paperback through Amazon.com. The new craze in blogging right now is what's called a blog hop--one blogger answers a set of questions, then tags several other bloggers to answer the same questions, who then tags more, and so on. It's not unlike the current questionnaire I've been seeing on Facebook in which one person answers a set of questions about a given year, and then tags people in the post to respond and post.
Last week I was tagged by two different authors-- Alice Osborn, North Carolina poet and teacher, and Craig Lancaster, author of 600 Hours of Edward and more. The questionnaire was about works in progress; but given that I'm superstitious and don't like to talk about my works in progress, I chose to write about Adulation instead, especially given that we're just coming out of Oscar season, and the Kindle edition is on sale right now. To continue the blog hop, I'll be both tagging writers as well as featuring them here all week. Please scroll to the bottom to learn more about these terrific authors and their equally terrific books. Q: What is the title of your latest book? A: My most recent title is called Adulation, published in November 2012. (The Kindle edition is currently on sale for $1.99 during the entire month of March.) Q: Where did the idea come from for the book? A: I had wanted to write a novel about a fan who meets her longtime idol ever since I saw the original lineup of Duran Duran perform in 2005. In 2010, I had the pleasure of meeting Aaron Sorkin following a Q&A at an advanced screening of The Social Network in Durham, North Carolina. I had interacted with Sorkin on numerous occasions via a Facebook discussion forum prior, but it occurred to me at the moment he shook my hand that had we met under other circumstances—a coffeeshop, a university lecture, through friends, etcetera—and he wasn’t “Aaron Sorkin, famous award-winning screenwriter,” this was a guy I would give my phone number to, perhaps even ask out on the spot. The what-if was born that night: what if a fan and her idol meet and it turns out they’re more than just compatible, but meant for each other? Can it work out, or has fame and fortune gotten in the way? Q: What genre does your book fall under? A: I market is as commercial women's fiction. Q: What actors would you choose to play the part of your characters in a movie rendition? A: Oooh, I always get stumped on this question! Lately I’ve been thinking Ben Affleck would make a good Danny Masters, especially if he grew his hair out the way he did for Argo. I think I’d want someone relatively unknown to play Sunny Smith. And Jim Parsons has to play Georgie Spencer. Q: What is the one-sentence synopsis of your book? A: When attention-craving, celebrity screenwriter Danny Masters meets spotlight-avoiding, bookstore employee Sunny Smith, both must make a decision to give up the things they want to hold on to most to be together, or whether they can. Q: Is your book self-published or represented by an agency? I’m currently under contract with Amazon Publishers, and I love working with them. Q: How long did it take you to write the first draft of the manuscript? A: I wrote about half of the novel during NaNoWriMo 2010; I wrote the rest during winter, spring, and summer breaks from teaching, 2011. Q: What other books would you compare this story to within your genre? A: Not a book, but the Nor Ephron film Sleepless in Seattle, Tracie Banister’s novel Blame it on the Fame, and Jennifer Weiner’s The Next Best Thing. Readers of Christopher Herz’s Hollywood Forever might also like Adulation, although the story is rather different. Q: Who or what inspired you to write this book? A: See my above story regarding Aaron Sorkin! Although I want to make clear that Danny Masters is not based on Sorkin—at most, he’s had what I call “a Sorkinesque career.” Any similarities after that are coincidental. Q: What else about the book might pique the reader’s interest? The story is told in alternating POVs. Danny Masters is written in third person, and Sunny Smith is written in first person. The alternating POV enhances the dynamic of the story, and shows the parallels of Danny’s and Sunny’s lives so that even though they’re living on opposite ends of the country, they’re somehow rather close to one another. When you find yourself feeling lazy or ‘blocked’, how do you force yourself to get past it? Curl up in a fetal position on the couch and watch re-runs of The Mentalist… Seriously, I either freewrite (mostly about how bad the writing is, although eventually I can psych my way past it) or put the work down temporarily and read or watch something else. Despite the fact that I’m a novelist, I find myself inspired by a lot of screenwriting. If whatever I’ve picked up is really good, it inspires me to get back to my own writing. COMING THIS WEEK Tuesday, March 5: HEATHER GRACE STEWART is a Canadian author, journalist and speaker. Her most recent works are a book of poetry, stories and photography called Three Spaces and a screenplay for Kindle, Kobo, ibooks and more, called The Friends I've Never Met. She speaks at universities about the new world of e-publishing and following your passion. Wednesday, March 6: KRISTEN TSETSI is the author of Pretty Much True, which earned a mention on NPR. You can learn more about her here. Thursday, March 7: MICHAEL TINKER PEARCE and LINDA PEARCE are a husband-and-wife writing team from Seattle, WA. Michael is a knife and sword maker and Linda was an IT professional and project manager for over twenty years. You can read more about them here. Their first full-length novel is Diaries of a Dwarven Rifleman. Saturday, March 10: NICOLE McLERNON writes because there are stories in her head that have to come out. Nicole is still venturing into the world of publishing although she has written two NaNoWriMo novels. Her favorite things to write are drabbles which are short stories of exactly 100 words. She lives, writes, and works as a nurse in Massachusetts. Her post will appear on her blog Soul Conversations. Please do check it out! |
June 2024