![]() A couple of weeks ago, Suzy Turner was kind enough to host me on her Fiction Dreams website. I had so much fun answering her questions that when I found out she had just released her first chick lit novel, titled Forever Fredless, I decided not only to repay her kindness by hosting her on my blog, but invited her to answer the same questions she challenged me with! Here are her responses: Q: Do dreams inspire your writing? What did you last dream about? A: Totally! I have the most way out dreams and I always write them down. I've got some fab ideas... the latest dream was about a little boy who wakes up to find a young alien watching him. I figured it would make a really fun kids book. Watch this space ;) Q: When did you first start writing? And when were you first published? A: I first started writing fiction in my mid-twenties. In fact I wrote a chick lit novel called Molly but it will never see the light of day. It's a bit rubbish! My first published book was called Raven (YA urban fantasy) and it came out May 2011. I've since published six more including my first chick lit novel :) Q: What is it about chick lit that appeals to you the most? Do you read other genres? If so, which? A: I've always been a huge fan of chick lit - it taught me a lot when I was growing up, if you know what I mean ;) To me chick lit should have plenty of love (or the search for love), friendships (perhaps the most important aspect of the genre), fun / comedy, heartache. I want to feel so many different emotions whilst reading it. But I do read other stuff too - I LOVE YA urban fantasy, dystopia and steampunk. But I'm always willing to give any genre a go. I've been known to read horrors, thrillers, sci-fi, crime drama. I guess you could say I have eclectic tastes! Q: What's the title of your latest book? Can you tell us about it? A: Forever Fredless is my first proper Chick Lit novel. Here's a brief synopsis: Kate Robinson has spent the past two decades yearning to find her soul mate, the boy she found and then lost during a family holiday. Shortly after her twenty-eighth birthday, however, she inherits a fortune from an old family friend and becomes something of an overnight celebrity. Can her new-found fame lead her to him after all this time? I LOVED writing it! Q: What inspired you to write it? A: It was a special holiday my husband and I had with some of our best friends on the islands of the Azores. Q: Is it part of a series? A: I only ever intended it to be a stand alone novel but you might see some of the characters appear in other books. Q: Have you ever spotted anyone reading your books anywhere? Afraid not! If I did, I probably wouldn't be able to stop grinning for a week! Q: Who designs your covers? A: Ravven (www.ravven.com). She's absolutely amazing. Q: If your latest book was made into a film, who would you cast? A: Somebody like Emily Blunt would play Kate, and that guy who recently played Superman would be Marc. Oooh yes, he'd be perfect! Q: What's your favourite Chick Lit book that made it to the big screen? A: There are so many I loved but The Devil Wears Prada was a pretty good adaptation. Q: What were the last two books you read? A: The Howling Heart by April Bostic (werewolves!) and Breaking the Ice by Mandy Baggot (fabulous read!) Q: Name one female author who you think deserves to be better known. A: Oh only one? No, I can't do it. I have to name three: Shalini Boland, Melissa Pearl and Poppet. They are ALL amazing! Q: Where do you write? A: I wish I could say in my own private enchanted office, but alas no. I usually sit at the end of the dining table under the stairs a la Harry Potter. Q: When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up? An archaeologist, a dancer and a psychologist! Q: In the movie of your life, who would play you? A: Sandra Bullock, definitely. Although I look more like Sporty Spice (I used to get told that ALL the time). Speed Round Top drink to make you tipsy? Champagne :) Shopaholic or shopadon't? Shopaholic but only for bargains... it's got to involve bargains Sky high heels or closer to the ground? Closer to the ground during the day, heels for a party. E.L. James or Jilly Cooper? Jilly Cooper. She was my first chick lit love. Cry baby or tough cookie? Cry baby. I even blubber during adverts! Exotic beach or enchanted forest? Enchanted forest... sigh. 10/10/2013 12:19:55 am
Thank you so much for having me on your blog, Elisa! It was so much fun answering the same questions!! xx
10/11/2013 07:01:50 am
My pleasure. Fun to see your answers! Comments are closed.
June 2024